Vol. 14 Núm. 1 (2008): História Quantitativa e Serial

Coffee Complex and Financial Structure: An Observation about the Economy of the Region of the Mata of Minas Gerais (1889/1930)

Anderson Pires

Publicado 2020-08-12 — Actualizado el 2021-04-28


Palabras clave

  • Financial and Banking History; Coffee Economy; Region of the Mata de Minas Gerais

Cómo citar

Anderson Pires. (2020) 2021. «Coffee Complex and Financial Structure: An Observation about the Economy of the Region of the Mata of Minas Gerais (1889/1930)». Locus: Revista De Historia 14 (1). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2008.v14.31580.


This work search to demonstrate the existence of an own financial structure in the agrarian export economy that grew in the region of the Mata of Minas Gerais starting from middles of the century XIX.Through the characterization of the general components, operation and behavior of the capital market rooted in the main urban nucleus of this economy, the municipal district of Juiz de Fora, the analysis detaches the potential of internalization of the flows offinancial resources that implicated the operation of this market, besides the conditioning factors originated by the physical characteristics and social organization of the coffee production, here considered as an expression of the “financial linkage effects” developed by this economy.


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