Vol. 22 Núm. 1 (2016): Dossiê - Poder e Governança na Idade Média

The role of the Royal Instituition in Medieval Portuguese: A structural perspective essay

Publicado 2017-02-16


Palabras clave

  • Monarchy,
  • Sacred,
  • Clergy

Cómo citar

Boissellier, Stéphane. 2017. «The Role of the Royal Instituition in Medieval Portuguese: A Structural Perspective Essay». Locus: Revista De Historia 22 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20817.


This contribution studies the royal institution in medieval Portugal; this subject was the object of very numerous researches, which we try to synthesize, but by emphasizing a less studied aspect: sacralization of the person and the function of the kings. This sacredness employs institutions and motives from clerical origin (holiness, especially under the dynasty of Avis) but also a not christian sacred, magic, of chivalrous type.


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