Vol. 22 Núm. 1 (2016): Dossiê - Poder e Governança na Idade Média

Monarchy and poliarchy in late Medieval France: the crime of lese-majesty in Aurillac, according to the process of Nemours Duke. C. 1474-c. 1476

Publicado 2017-02-16


Palabras clave

  • Lese Majesty,
  • Medieval Law,
  • Late-Medieval France

Cómo citar

Fernandes, Fabiano. 2017. «Monarchy and Poliarchy in Late Medieval France: The Crime of Lese-Majesty in Aurillac, According to the Process of Nemours Duke. C. 1474-C. 1476». Locus: Revista De Historia 22 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20815.


The spread of lèse-majesté processes was essential to enable the most intrusive intervention of royal power in areas that were not directly subjected to him. One of the recurring questions implied in the narrative of processes is that the king, on behalf of maintaining justice and peace, sought to pacify conflicting relations at the local level, restoring rights and royal privileges that would have been compromised or infringed.


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