Vol. 19 Núm. 2 (2013): Percursos do Olhar - caminhos da pesquisa nas trilhas da visualidade

The role of classic law, the positivist law and factors outside criminal prosecution in the results of libel and slander trials in Juiz de Fora - MG (1854-1941)

Camila Gonçalves Silva

Publicado 2015-01-17

Palabras clave

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Cómo citar

Silva, Camila Gonçalves. 2015. «The Role of Classic Law, the Positivist Law and Factors Outside Criminal Prosecution in the Results of Libel and Slander Trials in Juiz De Fora - MG (1854-1941)». Locus: Revista De Historia 19 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20748.


Review of the book "The Devil is Red: Anti-Communist Imaginary and the Catholic Church in Rio Grande do Sul (1945-1964)" by author Carla Simone Rodeghero.


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