Vol. 12 Núm. 1 (2006): História da Historiografia e Teoria da História

History and discourse: a Contribution to the Debate on Historic Realism

Palabras clave

  • History,
  • Discourse,
  • Historic Realism

Cómo citar

Malerba, Jurandir. 2006. «History and Discourse: A Contribution to the Debate on Historic Realism». Locus: Revista De Historia 12 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20628.


The text examines in depth two axiomatic postulates of the theory of post-modern knowledge – if we can describe it as such: its theory of language and its vehement negation of realism. What follows is a conceptual discussion that comes closer to our own field of study, namely, the premises and developments fostered by those postulates in the production of a post-modern written history based upon historical anti-realism and on narrativism. After sketching out a general framework, always from a critical viewpoint, the essay suggests some theoretical directions that relate the anti-realist argument to the discourse that establishes, institutes and creates reality, the world and history.


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