Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2011-03-29. Consulte la versión más reciente.
The trade in “goods of the territory” in the Market of Diamantina, Minas Gerais: the decades from 1880 to 1930
Publicado 2011-03-29
- 2021-04-17 (2)
- 2011-03-29 (1)
Palabras clave
- Commercial caravans. Local supply. Diamantina.
Cómo citar
Martins, Marcos Lobato. 2011. «The Trade in “goods of the territory” in the Market of Diamantina, Minas Gerais: The Decades from 1880 to 1930». Locus: Revista De Historia 16 (2).
The article examines aspects of the supply trade in the city of Diamantina, in the decades between 1880 and 1930. It emphasizes the role of caravan drivers and the Municipal Market, as well as the conflicts between authorities and local wholesalers. It also discusses the reasons for the longevity of this region’s caravan activity, whose decline occurred in the 1950s, causing the loss of importance of the Municipal Market in local supply activities.
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