Vol. 15 Núm. 2 (2009): Dossiê Saúde - Profissões, ciências e políticas públicas

Neither officers nor soldiers: profile of the Brazilian Imperial intermediate military rank during Farrapos War

José Iran Ribeiro
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Publicado 2010-11-16

Palabras clave

  • Brazilian Imperial Army; Brazilian Imperial State; Farrapos War

Cómo citar

Ribeiro, José Iran. 2010. «Neither Officers nor Soldiers: Profile of the Brazilian Imperial Intermediate Military Rank During Farrapos War». Locus: Revista De Historia 15 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20122.


This analysis regards Brazilian Imperial Army ranked soldiers in the Farrapos War context. These men did not hold distinguished positions and are seldom specifically considered by the historiography. The possibilities and limits of their actions at that context of meaningful increase of military force and of strengthening of the Imperial State are analyzed through their professional detailed reports.
