Vol. 30 No. 1 (2024): Digital History: technology and historiography between theory and practice

Strategies and Challenges in Scientific Communication in History: The Indigenous Issue in the Case Study between Metrics and Languages: Strategies and Challenges in Scientific Communication in History: The Indigenous Issue in the Case Study between Metrics and Languages

Maria de Fátima Barbosa Pires
FME-Niteroi (RJ)
Capa da revista Locus (UFJF)

Published 2024-08-26


  • Scientific Dissemination in History.,
  • Public Engagement.,
  • Audience Studies.,
  • Digital Metrics.,
  • Public History

How to Cite

Barbosa Pires, Maria de Fátima. 2024. “Strategies and Challenges in Scientific Communication in History: The Indigenous Issue in the Case Study Between Metrics and Languages: Strategies and Challenges in Scientific Communication in History: The Indigenous Issue in the Case Study Between Metrics and Languages”. Locus: History Journal 30 (1):79-93. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2024.v30.43183.


This article explores scientific dissemination in History, focusing on indigenous issues, with an emphasis on the Yanomamis and their historical tensions widely explored by the media in 2023. The study addresses strategies and challenges at the convergence of digital metrics and languages, aiming to analyze negotiations of meaning between scientific discourses, algorithmic language, and audience engagement. We report on strategies formulated to awaken interest in the indigenous issue, outlining promising paths to garner recommendations on the analyzed platform and analyzing audience interactions. Grounded in the theoretical principles of scientific dissemination in History, with interdisciplinary dialogues, the article investigates recommendation logics on YouTube. Results obtained indicate a direct correlation between the possibility of recommendation and audience adherence to content. Additionally, we observe that audience interest can be influenced by external factors, such as widely publicized news on indigenous issues. It is highlighted that shorter videos can yield promising results. This article offers a specific and in-depth perspective, providing valuable insights into the complex dynamics of scientific dissemination in History in the digital environment.


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