Vol. 29 No. 2 (2023): Art histories, history of images

Español: cuatro artistas colombianas

Nohora Arrieta Fernandez

Published 2024-01-08


  • arte colombiano,
  • arte contemporáneo arte afrodiásporico,
  • pensamiento afrodiásporico,
  • feminismo negro,
  • artes visuales,
  • performance
  • ...More

How to Cite

Arrieta Fernandez, Nohora. 2024. “Español: Cuatro Artistas Colombianas”. Locus: History Journal 29 (2):133-51. https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/41352.


What are the languages and forms that appear when we put together the visual proposals of four Afro-Colombian artists? What does their practice say about what we imagine as contemporary art in Latin America? What does it say about the ways we conceive the history of art? Dialoguing with categories taken from Afro-diasporic thinking, this essay inquiries into the projects of Liliana Angulo (1974), María Méndez (1990), Astrid González Quintero (1990) and Lyann Quartas (1990), to draw some of the modos de ser y hacer that are activated in their poetic universes.


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