Vol. 28 No. 1 (2022): Recent history of Latin American foreign policy: a matter of elites?

Eugenics in neighbouring countries: Projects and setbacks

Joao Italo Silva

Published 2022-07-05


  • Eugenics,
  • Public policy,
  • Latin America,
  • Elites,
  • Scientific exchange

How to Cite

Silva, Joao Italo. 2022. “Eugenics in Neighbouring Countries: Projects and Setbacks”. Locus: History Journal 28 (1):17-37. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2022.v28.36502.


Eugenics achieved wide dissemination throughout the 1920s and 1930s in different
countries around the world. A broad scientific/social movement gained strength on five
continents as part of a national project of intellectual and political elites. In Latin America, the
“science of Galton” – its creator – was conceived within the notion of cooperation between
scientists from different countries. In this article, we follow the networks established specifically
in South America by three doctors in the region – the Argentine Victor Delfino, the Brazilian
Renato Kehl and the Peruvian Carlos Enrique Paz Soldán. They exchanged correspondence and
planned the formation of a regional society that would contribute to exchange and to the
construction of an eugenic continent. However, eugenics faced challenges to consolidate
measures that were taken over by international organizations linked to health. We will discuss
some of the transnational projects and the challenges faced by the eugenics movement, especially
the South American one, to act as an international actor.


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