Vol. 28 No. 1 (2022): Recent history of Latin American foreign policy: a matter of elites?
Open Section

The Warsaw Uprising between Soviet and Western historiography

Moisés Wagner Franciscon

Published 2022-07-05


  • Second World War,
  • Soviet historiography,
  • Warsaw uprising

How to Cite

Franciscon, Moisés Wagner, and Dennison de Oliveira. 2022. “The Warsaw Uprising Between Soviet and Western Historiography”. Locus: History Journal 28 (1):118-46. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2022.v28.34277.


Through the bibliographic survey of the historiographies of the Western allies and
the official Soviet historiography, we sought to highlight the transformations and contentious
interpretations provided by both sides during the Cold War and beyond this for one of the
episodes that announced the new reality of a combined Cold War replacing the ongoing conflict.
The exchange of accusations and inversions of narratives, if contained at first, led the
historiographic works of the subsequent decades. Its conduction allowed the elaboration of
justifications for the dominant geopolitical framework. Poland's fate remained unchallenged by
the reality of the forces'; disposition, but not in their morality. It allowed the accusation of the
treacherous and authoritarian nature formulated by both sides to the political-economic-
ideological rival, concealing the mutually imperial interests.


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