Vol. 26 No. 2 (2020): Dossier - Heritage and International Relations

Authoritarian latinities on the two sides of the Atlantic: a proposal for transnational studies of the right-wings in the interwar by Valeria Galimi and Annarita Gori

Pedro Ivo Tanagino
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Published 2020-10-06 — Updated on 2021-04-30



  • Intellectual History. Political History. Contemporary History. Authoritarianism. Right Wing.

How to Cite

Tanagino, Pedro Ivo. (2020) 2021. “Authoritarian Latinities on the Two Sides of the Atlantic: A Proposal for Transnational Studies of the Right-Wings in the Interwar by Valeria Galimi and Annarita Gori”. Locus: History Journal 26 (2):490-94. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2020.v26.32180.


Review of the book Intellectuals In The Latin Space During The Era Of Fascism: Crossing Borders by Valeria Galimi and Annarita Gori.


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