Vol. 26 No. 2 (2020): Dossier - Heritage and International Relations

“The abyss of history is big enough for everyone”. The beginnings of the 1931 Athens Charter and the affirmation of the notion of world heritage

Marcos Olender
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Published 2020-09-10


  • 1931’s Athens Charter,
  • World heritage,
  • Preservation

How to Cite

Olender, Marcos. 2020. “‘The Abyss of History Is Big Enough for everyone’. The Beginnings of the 1931 Athens Charter and the Affirmation of the Notion of World Heritage”. Locus: History Journal 26 (2):291-313. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2020.v26.31204.


The article discusses some of the production aspects of the 1931’s Athens Charter, the first international document referring to the protection of historical and artistic heritage produced within the framework of an international political and institutional articulation. It addresses the historical conjecture construction process of elaboration of the aforementioned document, starting with the context of the First World War, passing through the implantation of institutions that began the structuring of an international policy for the protection of heritage, in which the concern for the viability of the constitution of a humanity heritage is highlighted.


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