Vol. 26 No. 2 (2020): Dossier - Heritage and International Relations

The demand for restitution of cultural heritage through relations between Africa and Europe

Karine Lima da Costa

Published 2020-09-10


  • Cultural heritage,
  • Repatriation,
  • Restitution,
  • Benin bronzes

How to Cite

Lima da Costa, Karine. 2020. “The Demand for Restitution of Cultural Heritage through Relations Between Africa and Europe”. Locus: History Journal 26 (2):193-209. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2020.v26.31068.


This article aims to analyze the question of the restitution or repatriation of cultural heritage, especially the artifacts from sub-saharan Africa from the publication of the Savoy-Sarr Report, completed in 2018. We’ll look at the case of the Benin Bronzes, taken from Africa in the 19th century and currently distributed in different museological institutions, mainly in France and England. Thus, we hope that the reflections mentioned here may inspire other possibilities in relation to the restitution of cultural heritage.


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