Vol. 25 No. 2 (2019): Dossier - 130 Years of Republic in Brazil: between advances and setbacks

The Judiciary in the First Republic: revisiting some issues

Surama Conde Sá Pinto
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Tatiana de Souza Castro
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Published 2019-12-05


  • Judiciary,
  • habeas corpus,
  • First Republic

How to Cite

Conde Sá Pinto, Surama, and Tatiana de Souza Castro. 2019. “The Judiciary in the First Republic: Revisiting Some Issues”. Locus: History Journal 25 (2). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2019.v25.28711.


This article analyzes the role of the Brazilian judiciary in the First Republic. As a documentary basis, we use original habeas corpus lawsuits of the Federal District, filed with the STF in the 1920s, which are available at the Supreme Court Archive in Brasilia and at the National Archive in Rio de Janeiro. As the methodological point of view, we use sampling; 20% of the processes filed at the beginning of each year were cataloged. As will be shown, despite being easily requested, the habeas corpus institute was far from being a remedy, in fact, granted to the population in the First Republic, as its grant was quite restricted. The main argument defended here is the necessity for relativization of interpretations that overestimate the role of the Supreme Court and the Judiciary in the exercise of citizenship in the period. These statements project for the period the role played by the Supreme Court in the Brazilian democracy of the New Republic, when these studies are produced, and oversize the action of the judiciary to combat the model of a reactive citizenship, built from the analyzes disclosed in the 1980s.


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