This is an outdated version published on 2019-12-05. Read the most recent version.
Travel conditions for immigrants in the third class passengers: the 1937 case concerning the Cuyabá steamship belonging to the Brazilian Lloyd
Published 2019-12-05
- 2021-04-28 (2)
- 2019-12-05 (1)
- Immigration,
- Brazilian Ships,
- Third Class Passengers
How to Cite
Koifman, Fábio. 2019. “Travel Conditions for Immigrants in the Third Class Passengers: The 1937 Case Concerning the Cuyabá Steamship Belonging to the Brazilian Lloyd”. Locus: History Journal 25 (2).
The purpose of this article is, from a brief study related to episodes occurred in the Cuyabá ship, which belonged to the Brazilian and governmental company Lloyd Brasileiro, to portray some indications regarding the travel conditions of those who were in the 3rd class. when they immigrated to Brazil.
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