Vol. 25 No. 2 (2019): Dossier - 130 Years of Republic in Brazil: between advances and setbacks

Body and Negationism: the “Novilingua” of Fascism in the New Republic, Brazil 2013/2019

Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Published 2019-12-05


  • New Republic,
  • Fascisms,
  • Right,
  • Negationism,
  • Extremisms

How to Cite

Teixeira da Silva, Francisco Carlos. 2019. “Body and Negationism: The ‘Novilingua’ of Fascism in the New Republic, Brazil 2013/2019”. Locus: History Journal 25 (2). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2019.v25.28162.


This article is dedicated to examining the emergence of a “novilingua” - according to Victor Klemperer's concept - or a “sociolet”, from the sociolinguistics studies, of the ultra-right social and political groups in Brazil at the present time. We turn our attention here to the political discourse of parties like the PSL/Liberal Social Party, far-right social movements, personalities and political actors who reject Representative Democracy, social and political diversity, and republican institutions. Especially those who promote hate speech against social, racial, regional or gender groups and reject the history of the recent past, including the history of the 1964 Civil-Military Regime. To make explicit the relations between the historic Right-wing extremisms - twentieth-century fascisms - and contemporary fascisms we resort to we will exemplify with the classic and contemporary historical cases in Germany, Italy and Spain.


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