Vol. 25 No. 1 (2019): Locus - Revista de História

"Goodbye, green hope!": brazilian integralismo and the death of Plínio Salgado

Published 2019-08-05


  • Integralism,
  • Plínio Salgado,
  • Dictatorship

How to Cite

Caldeira Neto, Odilon. 2019. “"Goodbye, Green hope!": Brazilian Integralismo and the Death of Plínio Salgado”. Locus: History Journal 25 (1):1-19. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2019.v25.27505.


This paper analyzes the clashes and the political strategies of the Brazilian Integralists throughout the last dictatorship in Brazil. The analysis emphasizes, in particular, the relations between the Integralists, the leadership of Plínio Salgado and the impacts of the death of the integralist leader occurred in 1975. The central hypothesis is that the absolute respect for leadership, as well as Plinio Salgado's personality cult, weakened the organization of the Integralists in other groups in the authoritarian context, as well during the process of democratic transition in Brazil.


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