Vol. 24 No. 2 (2018): Dossiê - Os 30 anos da Constituição de 1988. Dilemas e desafios da "Nova República" no tempo presente

“Youth is the living force of the Fatherland”: lectures, civic parades and education in Piauí (1935-1945)

Published 2023-08-01 — Updated on 2023-08-01



  • Civic Parades,
  • Education,
  • Memory

How to Cite

Aguiar Júnior, José de Arimatéa Freitas. 2023. “‘Youth Is the Living Force of the Fatherland’: Lectures, Civic Parades and Education in Piauí (1935-1945)”. Locus: History Journal 24 (2). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2018.v24.20889.


This text presents a study on education, lectures and civic parades that were carried out by Piauí institutions in the period from 1935 to 1945, with the main objective of analyzing how these events were used by the state government in the construction of patriotic memory and in fighting to ideas contrary to the Vargas regime.


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