Vol. 24 No. 1 (2018): Dossiê - Justiças e Impérios Ibéricos de Antigo Regime

From the Studies and Information Service (SEI) to the Foreign Information Center (CIEX): the institutionalization of information and repression policies against communism in Itamaraty

Published 2019-02-04 — Updated on 2021-04-27



  • Information activity,
  • Diplomacy,
  • CieX

How to Cite

Setemy, Adrianna. (2019) 2021. “From the Studies and Information Service (SEI) to the Foreign Information Center (CIEX): The Institutionalization of Information and Repression Policies Against Communism in Itamaraty”. Locus: History Journal 24 (1). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2018.v24.20870.


This article will analyze how the Itamaraty, as the main and most traditional body formulating and executing Brazilian foreign policy, was inserted in the complex information network that began to be officially structured in Brazil in 1927, during the government of President Washington Luis, and it became institutionalized in 1964, when the National Information Service (SNI) was created, with the main target of combating international communism.


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