Vol. 24 No. 1 (2018): Dossiê - Justiças e Impérios Ibéricos de Antigo Regime

Reforma dos territórios e das jurisdições nas capitanias do Norte do Estado do Brasil: as atuações do capitão-general Luís Diogo Lobo da Silva e do “juiz de fora” Miguel Carlos de Pina Castelo Branco na aplicação do Diretório dos índios (1757-1764)

Published 2019-02-04 — Updated on 2021-04-27



  • Northern Captaincies,
  • Governor and captain-general,
  • Juiz de Fora

How to Cite

Júnior, José Inaldo Chaves. (2019) 2021. “Reforma Dos territórios E Das jurisdições Nas Capitanias Do Norte Do Estado Do Brasil: As atuações Do capitão-General Luís Diogo Lobo Da Silva E Do ‘juiz De fora’ Miguel Carlos De Pina Castelo Branco Na aplicação Do Diretório Dos índios (1757-1764)”. Locus: History Journal 24 (1). https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2018.v24.20868.


The article analyzes the application of the Directory of Indians in the captaincies of the North of the State of Brazil as part of a broad program of concentration of political decision in the Empire that favored the governor and captain-general of Pernambuco, extending its jurisdiction over the neighboring captaincies of Paraíba , Rio Grande and Ceará. The conflicts with the governing captains-mores and the ombudsmen-general, in addition to the reduction of the municipalities and opposition of the councilors, became the “touchstone” of the political plots in those mid-seventies, when the Crown also seemed decided to restrict the autonomies of the peripheral administration in their direct relations with the local authorities.


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