Vol. 19 No. 2 (2013): Percursos do Olhar - caminhos da pesquisa nas trilhas da visualidade

Research in visual arts in Espírito Santo in a specific trajectory

Almerinda da Silva Lopes
Centro de Artes e do Mestrado em Artes da UFES

Published 2013-11-27


  • Art and research,
  • Photography and art,
  • Espírito Santo

How to Cite

Lopes, Almerinda da Silva. 2013. “Research in Visual Arts in Espírito Santo in a Specific Trajectory”. Locus: History Journal 19 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20739.


This text analyzes the trajectory of academic research in visual arts in Espírito Santo performed by the author starting in the 1990s, pointing out the difficulties and the investigative and methodological solutions adopted in order to overcome them. It also highlights some results achieved and the unfolding of research and publications as a reference for studies conducted by new investigators.


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