Vol. 12 No. 1 (2006): História da Historiografia e Teoria da História

Time, History and Narrative Comprehension in Paul Ricoeur


  • Paul Ricouer,
  • Time,
  • Narrative

How to Cite

Reis, José Carlos. 2006. “Time, History and Narrative Comprehension in Paul Ricoeur”. Locus: History Journal 12 (1). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20634.


The text deals primarily with the way Paul Ricoeur seeks to build a mediation between time and narrative. Moving away from both the traditional narrative and the structural timelessness and logic of the Annales, a historical narrative, in Ricouer, does not coincide with what has been experienced, does not show what really happened, but refers to him. A narrative is not an abstraction apart from what is lived. It is not just logic. It emerges from it, referring to it, and returning to it transforming it and transforming itself. The text then seeks to deepen these issues.


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