Vol. 10 No. 2 (2004): Locus - Revista de História

Authority and royal power Benjamin Constant and the Portuguese 1826 Constituion


  • Benjamin Constant (1767-1830),
  • Regulating Power,
  • Portuguese Constitution, 1826,
  • Brazilian Constitution, 1824

How to Cite

Barbosa, Silvana Mota. 2004. “Authority and Royal Power Benjamin Constant and the Portuguese 1826 Constituion”. Locus: History Journal 10 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20621.


The paper has as focus the consequences of D. João VI death on Europe and the problems on right of inheritance of Portuguese throne between 1826 and 1827. We analyzed, in context, the Benjamin Constant reports that discuss the European situation, the Portuguese Constitution and the significance of D. Pedro I authority on Brazil and Europe.


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