Vol. 18 No. 2 (2012): Dossiê África - Mobilidades, trajetórias e travessia na história do continente africano

On the Law and the Land: the consolidation of native resistance in the South Africa Union from the Natives Land Act of 1913


  • South Africa,
  • Segregation,
  • Natives Land Act

How to Cite

Gomes, Raquel G. A. 2012. “On the Law and the Land: The Consolidation of Native Resistance in the South Africa Union from the Natives Land Act of 1913”. Locus: History Journal 18 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20612.


The enactment of segregationist laws - in particular, the Natives Land Act, 1913 - after the constitution of the nation state functioned as a trigger for more incisive political articulation of the “literate elite” of South African natives. Here, the analysis is guided by the Native Life in South Africa, by Sol Plaatje - journalist, politician and writer, one of the leading names in this literate elite who, in the early decades of the twentieth century, claimed for a stronger political voice in the South African Union.



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