Vol. 6 No. 2 (2000): História e Leituras

On the Frontiers of Capitalism: the Mogiana and the routes of railroad expansion


  • National State,
  • Railways,
  • Mogiana,
  • Mercantile Capital,
  • Cities

How to Cite

Tosi, Pedro Geraldo, and Rogério Naques Faleiros. 2000. “On the Frontiers of Capitalism: The Mogiana and the Routes of Railroad Expansion”. Locus: History Journal 6 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20519.


This article Investigates the importance and the influence of the formation of the National State in the contexto competition between private capital and mercantile networks; specifically, both factors played roles in the extension of the Mogiana company. It also examines the part played by politicians in the determination of routes. Geographic considerations of course, played their part but they do not fully explain the circuitous pattem o trajectories.


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