This is an outdated version published on 2011-11-30. Read the most recent version.
José de Alencar and the Americas: on the circles of ideas reflecting on literature in América
Published 2011-11-30
- 2021-04-28 (2)
- 2011-11-30 (1)
- José de Alencar. Literature. America.
How to Cite
Borges, Valdeci Rezende. 2011. “José De Alencar and the Americas: On the Circles of Ideas Reflecting on Literature in América”. Locus: History Journal 17 (1).
This text seeks to address the ideas of José de Alencar and someb of his critics concerning his literary work, expressed in the form of letters, prefaces, afterwords, and postscripts. The focus, in the writings, is on the references to Portuguese, Spanish, and English America, especially, to reflect on the relationship between nature and culture, languages, language, history, nationality, and political and cultural independence.Downloads
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