Vol. 15 No. 2 (2009): Dossiê Saúde - Profissões, ciências e políticas públicas

The integralist intellectuality: nationalism and identity in the literature of Plínio Salgado

Leandro Pereira Gonçalves
Centro de estudos Superior - CES

Published 2010-11-16


  • Literature; Integralism; Plínio Salgado

How to Cite

Gonçalves, Leandro Pereira. 2010. “The Integralist Intellectuality: Nationalism and Identity in the Literature of Plínio Salgado”. Locus: History Journal 15 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20123.


The article aims to develop analysis expressed by the language of the world seen and not seen, through writing, discussing the dialogue of history with literature, as a path that runs on the tracks of imagination, and this way it’ll create mechanisms capable to analyse the process of nationalist creation of Plinio Salgado, unifying the nation’s problems and understanding how the cultural issue structures itself within the Brazilian society in search of the authentic national identity.


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