Assessment of knowledge levels about asthma among parents of hospitalized asthmatic children
Asthma, Health Education;, Caregivers, Public HealthAbstract
Introduction: Asthma is the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood and represents a significant public health problem due to its individual and economic impacts. Adherence to treatment is crucial for disease control and improvement of patients' quality of life. Health education aims to promote patient and caregiver autonomy; however, insufficient knowledge about the disease among caregivers of children with asthma is still observed. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of parents and caregivers of asthmatic children who required hospitalization due to respiratory exacerbation. Methodology: An observational descriptive study was conducted, applying a specific questionnaire to parents and caregivers of asthmatic children admitted to a tertiary hospital. The test, called the Newcastle Asthma Knowledge Questionnaire (NAKQ), is internationally validated and assesses the respondent’s knowledge about the disease. Results: A total of 27 parents and caregivers were evaluated. Of these, 23 (85%) had inadequate knowledge about asthma, while 4 (15%) demonstrated satisfactory knowledge, with 3 (75%) of these regularly attending medical follow-ups. Among parents with insufficient knowledge, only 8% had regular medical follow-up. Although 52% (14) of the respondents had received guidance on the disease, only 21% (3) of them showed adequate knowledge on the questionnaire. Conclusion: The study revealed that most parents of hospitalized asthmatic children had insufficient knowledge about the disease, consistent with previous studies. Health education and regular follow-up are essential for asthma control, and failures in education and follow-up can contribute to inappropriate medication use and increased hospitalizations. Improving educational strategies and ensuring continuous follow-up are crucial for enhancing asthma control and patient quality of life.
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