Preparação alcoólica para antissepsia cirúrgica das mãos
Série temática: Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde Hospitalar (ATS-H)
Antissepsia, Desinfecção das Mãos, Infecção da Ferida CirúrgicaAbstract
Introduction: Surgical Site Infection is an infectious process that is correlated with failures in surgical antisepsis of the hands of surgical team professionals.
Objective: To carry out a comparative analysis between surgical antisepsis of the hands of healthcare professionals using alcoholic preparation and traditional hand washing techniques. Methods: Review of systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis), randomized clinical trials or quasi-experimental studies. The search process was carried out by a researcher, who used the descriptors “Antisepsis” OR “Hand disinfection” OR “hand hygiene” AND “Infection control” AND “Surgical centers” OR “surgery” on the following bases data: MEDLINE, COCHRANE, LILACS and BDENF. Other sources consulted were the websites of REBRATS, NICE, UP TO DATE, REBEC and Google Scholar. Results: The data confirmed that there were no statistically significant differences between surgical site infection rates in studies that compared hand rubbing with alcoholic solution in relation to PVPI washing or chlorhexidine-based comparator. Conclusion: Although the analysis of the results of the studies included in the sample did not demonstrate statistically significant difference in the count of colony-forming units, surgical hand asepsis by friction is recommended, as it is easy to apply, less time consuming, and tendo to cause lower levels of skin irritations and better dermal tolerance.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bárbara Helena de Brito Ângelo , Érika Michelle do Nascimento Facundes, Giselle Souza de Paiva, Kheyla Santos Nascimento, Lúcia Reis do Nascimento, Naélia Vidal de Negreiros Silva, Nara Gualberto Cavalcanti, Rayssa Berenguer de Araújo Cunha
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