Assessment and correlation of quality of life and spiritual needs of cancer patients with advanced disease during hopitalization


  • Gabriel Martin da Silva Centro Universitário FMABC
  • Elizangela de Fátima Canquerini Centro Universitário FMABC
  • Mariane Castiglione Centro Universitário FMABC
  • Alessandra Cristina Biagi Centro Universitário FMABC
  • Amanda Estevão da Silva Centro Universitário FMABC





Introduction: The disease generates in human beings a deep process of anguish, sadness and suffering, manifesting itself in different areas of life, raising emotional, physical, social and spiritual issues. Objective: Evaluate and correlate the quality of life and spiritual needs of cancer patients during hopitalization. Method: Observational, cross-sectional and prospective study, approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the FMABC University Center under opinion number: 3,850,192. Participants were selected and later individually interviewed using the Spiritual Needs Assessment for Patients (SNAP) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaires, in addition to sociodemographic data. To correlate quality of life (SF-36) with spiritual needs (SNAP), Spearman's correlation test was used. The significance level adopted was 5%. Results: Thirty-one patients with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer and undergoing hospitalization participated in the study. The worst scores in the assessment of quality of life were the domains of “physical aspect”, “emotional aspect” and “functional capacity”. High spiritual need was observed with a total SNAP score of 74.35. In the correlation between the SF-36 and SNAP, negative correlations with statistically significant relevance were observed between the functional capacity domain and the psychosocial subscale (-0.387), the pain domain and spiritual subscale (-0.316) and the physical aspect domain and subscale religious (- 0.351). Conclusion: Oncological patients undergoing hospitalization have a loss in quality of life, have spiritual needs, and these variables can influence each other. Therefore, the multidisciplinary team must be aware of the patient's spiritual dimension.

Keywords: Spirituality; Quality of life; Oncology; Religion.


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How to Cite

Martin da Silva G, de Fátima Canquerini E, Castiglione M, Cristina Biagi A, Estevão da Silva A. Assessment and correlation of quality of life and spiritual needs of cancer patients with advanced disease during hopitalization. HU Rev [Internet]. 2023Mar.20 [cited 2024Jul.1];48. Available from:



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