Historiografia e historicidade de mulheres que vivenciaram o parto vaginal: contribuições para a enfermagem obstétrica
Mulheres, Parto, Enfermagem Obstétrica, HistoriografiaAbstract
Introduction: Aiming at women's health and reducing morbidity and mortality, Brazil has been reviewing the delivery care model and implementing actions to encourage vaginal delivery. The study is justified by the need for pregnant women's right to prenatal care and childbirth, in a dignified and respectful way, free from obstetric violence, with equitable care and compliance with maternity leave.Objective: to describe the historiography and historicity of women in vaginal delivery and maternity and to identify the assistance received.Methods: Heideggerian phenomenological qualitative research carried out with 14 women who underwent vaginal delivery between September 2018 and April 2019. Data collection respected ethical principles and used the audio-recorded open interview, to open the unveiling of the phenomenon of historiography and historicity, which gave continuity to the analytical stage, also called vague and median understanding in phenomenological studies, comparing the findings with the literature.Results: the age of the 14 participants ranged between 22 and 41 years. Vaginal delivery was decided by the majority and 7 deponents said they had no information about it. Most were also concerned about whether there would be a vaginal lesion and what sex would be like after childbirth, but with reports of having returned to normal. Many did not receive information about their sex life after childbirth and sought information. None of them regretted having gone through the vaginal delivery. The minority said that they had planned their pregnancy.Conclusion: the experience of this birth was positive, with women and physiology as protagonists, but there is a weakness in the nurse's role in prenatal and puerperal consultations and in reproductive planning, as well as invisibility in childbirth care. A complete approach includes information and quality and humanized obstetric nursing care, as recommended in public health policies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Elayne Arantes Elias, Dayanne Teresinha Granetto Cardoso Floriani, Letycia Sardinha Peixoto Manhães, Viviam Lombardi Ferreira, Matheus Alves Ribeiro, Lauanna Malafaia da Silva, Tarcísio Manhães Souza
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