Condições de vida, saúde e trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem frente à pandemia de COVID-19




Enfermagem, Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem, Condições de Trabalho, Perfil de Saúde, Infecções por Coronavírus


Introduction: The workload, conditions and adversities in work situations, environments and ambience, safety and insecurity added to the uncertainties provided by the pandemic, can lead to labor illness, especially among nursing professionals, essential and indispensable to all levels of health care. Objective: To describe the living, health and working conditions of nursing professionals who sought ethical-emotional support services during the pandemic of COVID-19. Material and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Minas Gerais, Brazil, between August and December 2020. We included professionals served by the commission, applying, via telephone call, an instrument with questions related to living, health, and work conditions. Descriptive analysis was performed. Results: 58 professionals participated. The majority were women (93.1%), nursing technicians (69%). Most of them reported continuous use of medication (63.8%), especially antidepressants (43.3%) and anxiolytics (27%). Anxiety disorders (15.5%) and depression (12.1%) stood out. Most (48.3%) considered the dimensioning of the teams insufficient (25.9%) and worked in services assisting patients with COVID-19 (81%) and 50% reported prejudice arising from this assistance. Conclusion: The most adverse situations determining life, health and work conditions experienced in the face of the pandemic may contribute to the emotional and mental exhaustion of these professionals.


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How to Cite

Reis Passos H, Silveira Silva L, Vieira de Oliveira J, Gonçalves Amaral G. Condições de vida, saúde e trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem frente à pandemia de COVID-19. HU Rev [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.2];48:1-12. Available from:



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