Intervenções para redução do estigma da obesidade: uma revisão sistemática


  • Andreia Neves Duarte Universidade de Brasília
  • Elizabeth Queiroz





Introduction: The weight stigma is a phenomenon present in different contexts and represents a barrier to the treatment of obese people.

Objective: This article aimed to conduct a systematic review of the literature on interventions to reduce weight stigma, aiming to understand the main methodologies and instruments used, as well as the methods of evaluation and effectiveness of the proposed strategies, in order to help the development of future interventions as well as the formulation of a research agenda in this field of study.

Material and methods: A literature search was conducted on articles with interventions to reduce obesity stigma from 2010 to 2020, in the CAPES, Scielo and Pubmed databases using the following combination of descriptors: weight stigma AND intervention. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 25 intervention articles were evaluated.

Results: Most studies focused the target audience on health professionals and students, followed by interventions to reduce self-stigma in obese patients. There was a predominance of cross-sectional studies, and those that used longitudinal methodologies performed few intervention sessions. Most research has sought to reduce obesity stigma by modifying knowledge and beliefs about the causes of obesity. The main assessment instruments and other intervention strategies were also presented.

Conclusion: It is suggested that future interventions should address the multiple causes related to stigma, involving the target audience more actively and with diversification of methods for evaluating results.


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How to Cite

Duarte AN, Queiroz E. Intervenções para redução do estigma da obesidade: uma revisão sistemática. HU Rev [Internet]. 2022Aug.4 [cited 2024Jun.30];48:1-14. Available from:



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