Knowledge and practices of users of primary health care on breast cancer control
Primary Health Care, Mass Screening, Breast Neoplasms, MammographyAbstract
Introduction: In comprehensive care for women, developed in primary health care, the importance of actions related to the control of breast cancer is highlighted, one of the main causes of illness and death of women. In comparison with developed countries that have well-structured early detection programs, Brazil still has high mortality rates. Objective: To investigate the adequacy of the knowledge and practices of primary care users regarding breast cancer screening, based on the recommendations of the National Cancer Institute (INCA). Material and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study using a structured questionnaire applied to users of a primary health care service aged 25 to 69 years. Prevalence of appropriate practices and their association with sociodemographic factors were estimated. Results: Although almost all women have heard of mammography and most knew of its purpose, none had an entirely adequate knowledge of breast cancer screening. The prevalence of appropriate practice for their age group was 34.4% (95% CI: 28.0% -41.3%), with a higher proportion for younger users (84,1%; 95% CI: 75,1-93,2%). Conclusion: The knowledge of primary health care users on breast cancer screening is still very precarious. This is reflected in the inadequacy of practices in relation to mammography. Health education actions can reverse this situation and potentially lead to a positive impact on the health of the female population.
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