RIME (Relaxation, Mental Images, Spirituality): brief psychotherapy by alchemical images

Aplicações práticas


  • Ana Catarina Araújo Elias Universidade Paulista UNIP




Imagery (Psychotherapy), Psychosomatic Medicine, Psychotherapy, Brief, Quality of Life, Spirituality


Within the theme 'psychotherapy and spirituality in health', this article presents the RIME Intervention (Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality) that was developed and perfected by the author for eighteen years, through master's, doctoral and postdoctoral studies, both in patients in palliatives care, in the terminal phase, as well as in patients with possibilities of cure. Our goal is introduce to the reader to the brief psychotherapy by alchemical images RIME, describing the step by step for its application. The methodological approach used for the development of RIME, throughout the studies, comprised the qualitative and the quantitative method. The RIME Intervention is a brief psychotherapy, of a complementary character, developed for a hospital environment, which integrates the techniques of relaxation, directed imagination and elements of spirituality, in a symbolic and transpersonal approach. Although it was developed for the hospital environment, it can be used as an adjuvant technique in the classic psychotherapeutic process in the clinic. It has been observed that RIME promotes the connection with the Inner Wisdom, with the Sacred, in order to minimize anguish, to re-signify psychic pain, spiritual pain, or a focus of suffering, defined by the patient. It allows strengthening the healthy psychic resources and the resilience, promoting the quality of life in the process of the disease. Because it is a brief psychotherapy, it can be applied by all health professionals, both in situations of the palliative care and in situations of healing possibilities.


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How to Cite

Araújo Elias AC. RIME (Relaxation, Mental Images, Spirituality): brief psychotherapy by alchemical images : Aplicações práticas. HU Rev [Internet]. 2020Feb.18 [cited 2024Jul.17];44(4):527-35. Available from: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/hurevista/article/view/27286