
  • Pedro M. S. Alves Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo



Discussing from a phenomenological stance the distinction between hyletic and expressive conceptions of norms, I stress that phenomenology is able to develop an analysis of nomothetic intentionality that can surmount the opposition presented by Alchourrón and Bulygin. However, this entails a revision of the Husserlian analysis of the relationship between judgments and norms, namely of his thesis concerning the foundation of every intentional act in objectifying acts. I highlight the specificity of normative intentionality, its non-dependence on objectifying acts, and I propose to name the quality of normative acts as “ductive force”. Then, I take distance to the classical analysis of normative judgments as having the ought-form, outlining a more detailed analysis of them, namely stressing that the juridical propositions must have a richer content in order to describe norms. Then, I propose my own account based on the concept of “ductive force”. I affirm that the ductive force of norms cannot be identified only with coercion. I show that there is, even inside the juridical sphere, a variety of ductive forces, going from sheer coercion to council and recommendation. Finally, I stress the centrality of the concept of “ductive force” for a phenomenology of the social world.


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Biografía del autor/a

Pedro M. S. Alves, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Professor de Filosofia do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - IFES - Campus Piúma. Doutorando em Educação em Ciências e Saúde (PPGECS), do Núcleo de Tecnologia Educacional para a Saúde (NUTES) da UFRJ. Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Possui graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (2004) e pós-graduação pela mesma instituição em Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea. Possui ainda pós-graduação em Designer Instrucional para EaD Virtual pela UNIFEI. Tem experiência nas áreas de Filosofia, Educação, Educação a Distância e Informática Educacional.

