Popular Education for Health and participative managements in the Unified Health System (SUS)


  • José Ivo dos Santos Pedrosa


This article presents considerations of the contribution of popular education and health for participatory management within SUS, based on speeches and proposals presented in the Annals of the III National Meeting of Popular Education and Health, in the Report of the II National Meeting of National Articulation of Movements and Popular Education and Health Practices and the skills and directives of the Secretary of Strategic and Participatory Management of the Ministry of Health. Comparing proposals and guidelines, it marks similarities between some emerging points from collective groups within civil society and the actions undertaken by the Ministry, underscoring the challenges of popular education and health in presenting characteristics of political projects of enlargement of the spaced for dialogue between the management of SUS and social movements to increase the capacity of mobilizing the population regarding the right to health and fairness and a pedagogic strategy composed of critical topics and proposals with the potential to formulate and discuss political projects aimed at strengthening participatory management.


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