Silicosis: mechanisms of action of silica particle in lung tissue
Silicosis. Chronic Inflammation. Lung Fibrosis.Abstract
Inhalation of silica particles leads to an exacerbated inflammatory process with formation of granulomas and
collagen deposition in the lung parenchyma. Silicosis is a fibrosing disease, progressive and irreversible, leading the
individual died due to respiratory failure. There are several mechanisms by which the particle silica exerts its toxicity,
causing injury to the lung tissue, and the principal described: a direct cytotoxicity, activation of oxidant generation,
stimulation of secretion of cytokines and chemokines, stimulating the secretion of fibrogenic factors and cell death
by apoptosis. Although silicosis is preventable, no effective treatment to minimize the deleterious effects of same.
This review elucidates the major mechanisms by which silicosis develops, in order to develop an effective therapy.
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