Educação em Foco <p>Educação em Foco is a publication of the Faculty of Education and the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Its mission is to stimulate and disseminate scientific production in the field of Education, proposing knowledge interfaces with local, regional, national and international institutions. It also aims at the qualification of research in Education, in view of the growing demands of educational issues in the country and in the world, covering its various spheres, times and spaces.</p> UFJF pt-BR Educação em Foco 0104-3293 <p>Ao submeter um artigo à revista Educação em Foco e tê-lo aprovado, os autores concordam em ceder, sem remuneração, os seguintes direitos à Educação em Foco: os direitos de primeira publicação e a permissão para que Educação em Foco redistribua esse artigo e seus metadados aos serviços de indexação e referência que seus editores julguem apropriados.</p> CONTRADICTIONS IN THE RELATIONSHIP OF TEACHER CONTINUING TRAINING POLICIES AND MEDIATIONS IN THE SCOPE OF PRACTICAL ACTION: <p>The research objective to analyze the understanding of the technical coordinators of the Municipal Department of Education and Culture (<em>Semec, </em>acronym in Portuguese-BR) and pedagogical coordinators who work in the initial years of Elementary School, in the urban municipal education network of Três Lagoas-MS, about the importance and usefulness of continuing training policies in the period from 2015 to 2020. Since the perception of these professionals is essential to understand the context of the continuing teacher training policies implemented in the municipality, indicating paths and detours that would contribute to a qualitative leap in teacher training and pedagogical practices. The study was configured, using a qualitative approach, in three stages: the first, bibliographical and documentary, in which the main legislation and normative acts relating to continuing education policies were surveyed; the second consisted of field collection by two focus groups according to Berenger, Elliot and Parreira (2012) with transcripts coded according to Pretti (1999) and, the third, organization and analysis of the results, following the guidelines of Bardin (2016). The results revealed that participants understood continuing training policies as useful and important, as <em>Semec </em>has valued this type of training in teaching units. However, gaps were identified in participants' knowledge about the goals proposed in the National Education Plan for studies at the stricto sensu level. It also highlighted the inducing role of the Brazilian State in the elaboration and execution of continuing teacher training policies in the Municipal Education Network of Três Lagoas.</p> Angela Bezerra dos Santos Andrade Carla Busato Zandavalli Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 29 1 e29011 e29011 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42562 DISCUSSION ON UNIVERSITY DOCUMENTS TO CURRICULATE THE OUTREACH ACTIONS <p class="EduFocoTextoResumo">On December 18, 2018, Resolution No. 7 was enacted with the objective of curricularizing Brazilian outreach actions. Such a resolution, known as CNE-CES 07/2018, brings to light abstract guidelines that refer exclusively to extension. In this scenario, it is observed in the literature that universities have adopted different paths to comply with the dictates of CNE-CES 07/2018, including with regard to their institutional documents that guide the process of implementing the resolution. That said, the following question is clarified: do the institutional documents outlined by Brazilian universities meet the requirements of CNE-CES 07/2018 considering a practical approach in the implementation of extension curricularization? In order to answer the problematizing question, a methodological path was structured to analyze documents from 10 (ten) Higher Education Institutions. This route consists of three steps: Step 1 - definition of the benchmark items considering the minimum requirements established by CNE-CES 07/2018, Step 2 - selection of documents from the 10 Higher Education Institutions and Step 3 - Correlation of the benchmark items with the documents from the 10 Higher Education Institutions. As a result, an overview was prepared that allowed demonstrating the difficulty of the referred Higher Education Institutions in implementing the extension curriculum. When analyzing the constructed panorama, there is a scenario that brings an important warning about the directions of Brazilian university extension since, historically, extension has always been considered a university appendix, thus limiting all its potential for social emancipation.</p> Frederico Severo Miranda Marília Abrahão Amaral Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 29 1 e29012 e29012 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42040 MEDICINAL PLANTS IN SCIENCE TEACHING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW <p>Ethnobotanical knowledge portrays the interrelationships between plants and humans. The present study builds on the results of the master's thesis, which sought to understand how the knowledge of medicinal plants is approached in Science teaching, for elementary school. The research refers to a systematic review of a qualitative nature, with a search in the databases of two platforms: <em>Google Scholar</em> and <em>World Wide Science</em>, using the descriptors "medicinal plants" AND "science education*" AND "elementary education", analyzing studies with a temporal cut from the year in which they are available in the databases until the year 2020. The studies involved students from the 6th to the 9th year of elementary school with workshops, production of teaching materials, lectures, practical activities, conversation circles and semi-structured interviews. The analyzed studies approaching values, beliefs and popular knowledge with the teaching of Science and demonstrated the approximation with scientific knowledge, promoting teaching and learning.</p> Francieli Luana Sganzerla Ana Luiza Zappe Desordi Flôres Ailton Jesus Dinardi Mara Regina Bonini Marzari Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 29 1 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43876 UMA PROPOSTA DE EDUCAÇÃO LINGUÍSTICA A PARTIR DO ENSINO DOS SINAIS DE PONTUAÇÃO <p>According to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), Portuguese language teaching must ensure that, during Basic Education, the students will learn the standard norm and master how to use the vernacular in different contexts, aiming at a Linguistic Education in which mother tongue classes are effectively linguistic analysis classes. Among so many topics to think about a Linguistic Education that provides both the learning of the standard norm and the student's linguistic literacy process, we chose punctuation, for it seems to us to be a content that is undervalued by Portuguese teachers. In our reflections, we start from the understanding that traditional teaching does not take into account the socio-communicative context and, therefore, what motivated the use of punctuation in the most diverse discursive genres. This perspective led to the development of Interactive Didactic Sequences that would make the student analyze the text, as well as the Portuguese language, in order to understand the role of punctuation in discursive genres. As Linguistic Education does not propose to banish grammar, our research is based not only on the definitions of punctuation, but also on how Azeredo (2018), Bechara (2004) and Cegalla (s/d) describe the question mark, the exclamation mark, the ellipsis, the parentheses and the dash ˗ notational resources used to create Interactive Didactic Sequences for 1st year High school students in the state of Rio de Janeiro public schools. As a result, we found students who graduated from Elementary School without knowing the role of punctuation in the most diverse discursive genres, which made us think about Linguistic Education practices based exclusively on memorizing nomenclature and on memorizing rules.</p> Renata Monteiro do Espírito Santo José Ricardo Dordron de Pinho Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 29 1 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43770 PRODUCTION OF DIGITAL CONTENT AND AUTISTIC CHILDREN <p>This article socializes the results of a master's degree research, which the objective was to promote the use of digital media by autistic children to create digital content on YouTube in a school in Santa Catarina. In a context of the rise of digital media today, it is necessary to discuss the perspective of reproduction and consumption in the use of digital technologies. This situation becomes even more worrying with the presence of fake news on the internet. Therefore, to promote innovative practices in the school that stimulate the production of content based on the principles of inclusive education and with the aim of contributing to a perspective of critical appropriation of technologies, the following research problem arises: how to raise awareness among children about the risks of fake news for society and the different ways to combat it? As a main objective, this study intends to share a practical experience of digital inclusion with the production of online content for the YouTube platform, with the intention of providing different approaches to participation in networks, focusing attention on the advent of fake news. The methodology used was participatory research inspired by the principles of PesquisarCOM, which gives protagonism to research participants and places them as co-authors in a shared production. We started with bibliographical research on the topic and later carried out field research. As a result, these children produced an educational video about fake news.</p> Henrique de Lima Baena da Silva Karina Marcon Solange Cristina da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 29 1 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43570 The THE SKIN THAT IS SILENCED <p>The school curriculum acquired a new look with Law n. 10.639/2003, which brought the obligation the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, aiming to value the contribution and participation of black people in all spheres of Brazil’s formation. This article aims to dialogue about the law and the power of the image in the interdisciplinary teaching of art and history. We analyze the following works: “Um jantar brasileiro” (1827), by Jean-Baptiste Debret; “Bastidores” (1997), by Rosana Paulino; e “Não branca o suficiente” (2020), by Paula Duarte. We analyze the place of the black body in artistic productions, made in the colonial period and in contemporaneity, based on the technique proposed by the Triangular Approach proposed by Ana Mae Barbosa (1978, 1998, 2009). The analysis raises educational debates and problematizes points of contemporary culture such as racism and necropolitics in Brazilian society. We dialogue with Evaristo (2018), Mbembe (2018), Ribeiro (2017), Gomes (2013), Salles and Cabrera (2019). They offer a vision to mediate interdisciplinary teaching-learning processes to deal ethically with the cultural multiplicity that constitute Brazilian people and their socio-historical formation. Thus, it is impossible to work on an antiracist education, valuing the black body and culture through diasporic narratives created by black artists that reveal, in diverse ways and languages, the richness of ancestral knowledge, resignifying the place of the black body in social memory beyond slavery.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Laura Campos Daibert Patrícia Barros Tatyanne Gomes Marques Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 29 1 e29014 e29014 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43008 UNIVERSIDADE, ESCOLA E ESTÁGIO CURRICULAR SUPERVISIONADO <p class="EduFocoTextoResumo">This article aims to reveal how Supervised Curricular Internship teachers of the Degree in Pedagogy understand the articulation between the university and the school. This is qualitative research (Lüdke; André, 1986), based on Bourdieu's praxiology (2005). To obtain the data, semi-structured interviews were used, which were carried out with seven (7) teachers working in the Supervised Curricular Internship discipline, from three Pedagogy Degree courses at State Universities of Paraná. Data analysis was carried out using Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD), by Moraes and Galiazzi (2016). The research findings reveal that the habitus raised in the professors' statements demonstrates that the relationships established between social agents at the university are mediated by disputes; of space, knowledge and culture. What affects teaching activity at the university, and therefore at school. This reveals that the articulation between university and school, based on the Supervised Curricular Internship, is still a challenge, and we have a long way to go. Therefore, this research points to the need for universities to adopt clarifying policies on the Supervised Curricular Internship as a continuous articulator of the teacher training process.</p> Flavia Wegrzyn Magrinelli Martinez Melissa Rodrigues da Silva Pereira Susana Soares Tozetto Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 29 1 e29009 e29009 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42627 TEACHER SELF-EFFICACY AND BURNOUT: SCOPING REVIEW <p>The objective of this scoping review was to identify research on burnout and teacher self-efficacy. The databases of the Virtual Health Library, Portal de Periódico da CAPES, Institut of Education Sciences and National Library of Medicine were consulted, using as search strategy "teaching self-efficacy" AND "burnout syndrome" AND "teachers". Seventeen articles were retrieved following the standards of the PRISMA-ScR protocol. For analysis, the publications were organized in a flowchart and table containing Title/Authors, Objectives, Participants, Method, Year, and Results/Conclusions. Results revealed that the time spent teaching proved to be influential to professional wear, thus making possible a higher incidence of Burnout Syndrome in these professionals and that there is little investment and attention to the improvement of teachers' self-efficacy in the educational field. Thus, it is proposed that one of the paths to be further explored and developed would be the training of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, and that new research with these professionals should occur to expand the understanding of the importance of teacher self-efficacy in the national context, based on the gaps pointed out in this review. It is suggested that interventions and public policies aimed at the prevention and promotion of these professionals' health be developed.</p> Lyana Cristina Guzmán Veiga Camélia Santina Murgo Andressa Pereira de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-03-11 2024-03-11 29 1 e29010 e29010 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42071 OS SENTIDOS DOS CADERNOS ESCOLARES EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA <p>Este artigo teve como objetivo compreender os sentidos dos cadernos escolares em tempos de pandemia, nas perspectivas docente e discente. De caráter qualitativo, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa exploratória e de campo. Os participantes foram uma turma de alunos dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública de Santa Catarina. Para a coleta de dados, desenvolveu-se a técnica do grupo focal; e, por meio de um roteiro com perguntas semiestruturadas, entrevistou-se a professora da turma. A leitura dos dados seguiu a técnica de análise de conteúdo. O resultado das análises revelou que durante o ensino remoto ficaram ainda mais evidenciadas as desigualdades sociais e a intensificação do trabalho docente. Da mesma forma, destacou-se a continuidade da utilização do caderno escolar, uma vez que era um objeto comum e de acesso a todos os alunos, no entanto esse material passou a ter outros sentidos tanto para a docente quanto para os alunos que o preenchiam. Isso significa que os sentidos atribuídos aos cadernos escolares nesse período diferiram de quando foram utilizados em sala de aula. Eles tornaram-se uma maneira de manter um resquício das atividades consideradas escolares, uma vez que são o instrumento que mais representa o ensino escolarizado. Portanto, existiam a cópia, a confecção, o envio, mas não havia uma relação de ensino.</p> <p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: Estudantes. Cadernos escolares. Ensino remoto. Pandemia. Trabalho docente.</p> Jiseli de Fátima Oliveira Pasqualin Aliciene Fusca Machado Cordeiro Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 29 1 e29008 e29008 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.40999 A EXPERIMENTAÇÃO NO ENSINO DE QUÍMICA E A PROMOÇÃO DOS NÍVEIS DO CONHECIMENTO QUÍMICO <div> <p class="EduFocoTextoResumo"><span class="y2iqfc"><span lang="EN-US">Investigative experimental activities, when well planned and developed, can provide the development of knowledge that goes beyond the acquisition of watertight concepts of science. These activities can be built through sequences of classes on certain contents, aiming at the active participation of students in the construction of knowledge, under the guidance of the teacher. Based on this perspective, the present dissertation aims to analyze a didactic sequence that presents investigative experiments on vegetable oils and the impacts on human health, having as a lens, mainly, chemical knowledge. The methodology involved 7 lessons and was applied in a private school in Belo Horizonte - MG, within the scope of the formative itinerary of the New High School Education entitled "Investigations and Chemical Analyses". Data were collected through a questionnaire at the end of the didactic sequence and analyzed using Bardin's Content Analysis. The analysis revealed that students have difficulty in seeking and confirming information obtained through investigative experimentation and demonstrate greater ease in interacting predominantly with observations at the phenomenological level. For this reason, we believe it is important to develop didactic sequences that foster extrapolation beyond this level, advancing into the representational and theoretical aspects of the phenomenon under study. </span></span></p> </div> Élison Patrício Chaves Guilherme Rubens Soares Boa Morte Wallace Alves Cabral Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 29 1 e29017 e29017 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43793 GEOGRAPHICAL REASONING IN THE CURRICULAR REGULATIONS OF BRAZIL, CHILE AND ARGENTINA <p>With regard to Geography teaching, it is possible to say that there have been changes in curricular regulations in several countries, with efforts to make this teaching more attractive, problematizing and concerned with reasoning geographically. This article aims to investigate how geographical reasoning is appropriated by the curricular regulations of Brazil, Chile and Argentina. To this end, documentary research was carried out, using the comparative method, to analyze and compare the<em> BNCC</em> – Brazil – the <em>Curriculum Nacional</em> – Chile – and the <em>Nucleos de Aprendizajes</em> <em>Prioritarios </em>– Argentina. The curricular regulations relating to the Final Years of Elementary School were analyzed. The results indicate that the BNCC mentions the term geographical reasoning, but does not clarify it. The <em>Curriculum Nacional</em>, on the other hand, emphasizes that in order to think geographically and understand the relationships and connections present in the geographical space, it is necessary to operate with knowledge, skills and attitudes specific to Geography, but it does not present or clarify these elements concerning thinking geographically. While the <em>Nucleos de Aprendizajes Prioritarios</em> mention and talks about important elements for Geography, such as geographical space, territory and scale, however, They don’t allude to a way of thinking about Geography. In conclusion, despite the efforts of many researchers to define what geographical reasoning, geographical thinking, spatial thinking or similar terms are, the curricular regulations that establish the guidelines for education in the three countries do not clearly and objectively define this way of thinking about Geography.</p> Patrícia Assis da Silva Ribeiro Sinara Cristine Faria Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 29 1 e29013 e29013 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43572 Tipos e subtipos de publicação identificados na plataforma Sucupira <p><em>The objective of this study was to analyze the intellectual production of Area 21, specifically, Physical Education. We sought to identify the types and subtypes of intellectual production, for this purpose a research was developed with data extraction from Capes Sucupira Platform, from open data sets from Coleta Capes with 39 programs falling within the basic area of ​​Physical Education, in the four-year period 2017-2020. The datasets Stricto sensu Postgraduate Intellectual Production in Brazil, Authors of Productions and Details of Productions were inserted into a relational database, Postgresql 13, integrated with an instance of the Metabase tool, version 0.44.6, and, from there, indicators of interest were exported. The results indicate that, in intellectual production, there is an overvaluation of bibliographic production related to technical and artistic production. In bibliographic production, articles appear prominent when compared to other subtypes, indicating that bibliographic production in periodicals is the main means of scientific communication in the&nbsp;21st&nbsp;century.</em></p> Minéia Carvalho Rodrigues Cátia Regina Assis Almeida Leal Tadeu João Ribeiro Baptista Thiago Borges de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 29 1 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.43567 ANALYSIS OF THE PEDAGOGIC RELATIONS BUILT IN THE SUPERVISED CURRICULAR INTERNSHIP <p>This research aimed to analyze how pedagogical relationships were built between supervising teachers (PO) and undergraduate students during the development of the supervised curricular internship (SCE) in a Physical Education undergraduate course (PE). The data presented are part of a research that followed the ECS of a Physical Education undergraduate course for two years in a higher education institution in Zona da Mata Mineira. Based on the qualitative interpretive approach, a case study was carried out, using interviews and systematic observation as data collection techniques. It was found that the POs make efforts to welcome the undergraduates, but that, due to time limits, the experiences were reduced to the planning of some classes and their interventions, with no reflection on the didactic actions taken. Thus, we consider that the pedagogical constructions during the ECS are conditioned to different factors, limiting its potentialities in teacher education.</p> Ayra Lovisi Ludmila Nunes Mourão Wilson Alviano Júnior Paula Maria Leite Queirós Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 29 1 e29001 e29001 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42128 REFLEXÕES SOBRE O EDUCADOR ASSISTENTE EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO <p>The school is a space that can be permeated by dualities, struggles and segregations affecting education workers, especially administrative education technicians (TAE). In this scenario, the general objective of the research analyzes the perception of the administration assistant as an educator of Professional and Technological Education at IFMT – Campus Cuiabá Octayde Jorge da Silva. The impressions of these workers about their activity as an educator were privileged, the sector in which they are currently employed at the institution. Methodologically, the research is qualitative and quantitative and uses the tools of bibliographic review and questionnaire application to meet the proposed objective. The results descriptively indicate that the administration assistant in question: i) perceives himself as an educator in the work he carries out at the institution of interest; ii) does not realize that he is recognized by the community as educating; iii) the closer they are working to the school's end area (teaching, research and extension sectors), the greater their perception as an educator. The research contributes to the agenda that studies education workers at school, here considered as educators extensively.</p> Rheanni Fátima Sêmpio de Souza Rocha José Vinicius da Costa Filho Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 29 1 e29002 e29002 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42304 SABERES DOS PROFESSORES BACHARÉIS E DOCÊNCIA NA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR <p>Grounded on socio-historical psychology, this paper shows an excerpt from a doctoral research developed with bachelor economist professors from two private higher education institutions in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. We made an investigation with a view to apprehending the meanings and subjectivities present in the discourse of the bachelor professors regarding the types of mobilized teaching knowledge and their sources of acquisition, from the construction and analysis of the meaning nuclei proposed by Aguiar and Ozella (2013). The relevance of this research lies in the possibility of contributing to the improvement of higher education teachers training, specifically for those who do not have a specific pedagogical training for the teaching profession.The results indicate an overdimensioning of the knowledge related to the specific contents of the economic theory, which seems to reveal a difficulty in understanding that the teaching activity has a specificity translated by the pedagogical knowledge.We observed that the pedagogical component begins to be noticed as important by the teacher, and on the other hand, the training offered by graduate programs is still optional and somewhat superficial, which would evidence the importance of the institutional role in valuing such training or offering continuing education specifically aimed at this purpose. The pedagogical knowledge would then be constructed from the institutional reality experienced by the teachers in their practice.</p> Juliana Sampaio Mori Heloisa Helena Oliveira de Azevedo Copyright (c) 2024 Educação em Foco 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 29 1 e29003 e29003 10.34019/2447-5246.2024.v29.42738